Pastor Gerald Rudd's Interview
Text Box: Pastor H. Gerald Rudd
First Church of God
Greenville, TN
Text Box: TRUTH

Our New

Chairman of

Pastors' Fellowship


             Dr. Frank Curtiss has served as the Chairperson for Pastors' Fellowship for a number of years. His leadership has been greatly valued and made significant contributions to the ministry and effectiveness of Pastors' Fellowship.


           During the May 2011 Pastors' Fellowship meeting, Pastor Gerald Rudd will be assuming the  leadership role of the Pastors' Fellowship Steering Committee. Accepting additional leadership roles are never easy and require a great deal of prayer and thoughtful consideration. Pastor Rudd has been a part of the Steering Committee for many years and is a beloved preacher, friend and brother to many.

As he undertakes this role, Truth Matters interviewed our new Chairperson:


1. What has been the draw for you to Pastors' Fellowship over the years?


           I have attended Pastors' Fellowship since 1980 as a young minister seeking resources, truth and understanding of the doctrines of the Church of God. There have been two major factors that keep drawing me to support and attend Pastor’s Fellowship. They are the powerful preaching of God's Word and the authentic fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ and in ministry.


2. What role do you believe that P.F. has today?


           Pastors' Fellowship is the clearest and strongest place I know where pastors and lay leaders can hear the doctrinal truths that are distinct to the Church of God Reformation Movement preached consistently.


3. As the new incoming chair for Pastor’s Fellowship what are your top 3 goals for the next year?


           First, I would like to see us intentionally develop a web presence that will enable us to reach more people with the message of these important reformation truths. Truth really does matter!


           Second, I want to help us explore ways to reach our culture in a relevant and timely fashion concerning the truth of God's Word. The message of God is hope and offers transforming power.


           Third, to help pastors, parishioners and preachers in their efforts to help their congregations grow in their maturity in Christ. Finding effective ways to become strong, healthy congregations reaching our communities for Christ.


4. If you could ask our readers and supporters of P.F. to do one thing to further the goal of P.F. what would it be?


           Please give the Steering Committee their suggestions for speakers and subjects in writing so we can address the needs of the moment. We want to respond to the needs that our pastors and lay leaders are facing in their local places of service and provide them with resources that will help them answer the hard questions they are facing; strengthen their teaching of the reformation truths; and effectively lead their congregations in spiritual maturity and missional living.


5. What do you believe to be the greatest barrier to fulfilling the goals that you and the Steering Committee have set for the next year?


           We are living in times of exponential change and global dynamics unlike anything that has preceded us. With a changing culture there are two dangers.


           • One is that we fail to hear and address the needs of people today, or that we fail to speak in ways that relate to a post- Christian culture. We must find new and relevant ways to communicate that will reach the minds and hearts of our communities.


           • Second though is that in our efforts to be relevant or please our culture, we would fail to proclaim all of God's truth. The temptation to simply attract people to attend church without proclaiming clear biblical truth that absolutely transforms lives can be strong at times.


6. How can we pray for you Pastor Rudd as you lead and guide us in 2011 and 2012?


           Please pray that I would have wisdom to hear the voice of God and that I would be able to discern how to do what needs to be done to help Pastor's Fellowship as part of God's Church to become all that He desires for us to be. It is with great enthusiasm, deep respect and committed support that we join Pastor Rudd as he takes up the mantel of leadership. He will only be able to be as strong a leader as we are willing to be strong followers who put our hand to the work and the ministry under his leadership.


           Will you commit to pray for Pastor Rudd and for the Pastors' Fellowship Steering Committee as they chart the course for the future? We have often been the recipients of blessings that others worked hard to provide for us. Now is the time for us to find ways to add our efforts and energies under Pastor Rudd’s leadership so that others might be blessed in the generations to come!


“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” - Hebrews 13:7




The truth always matters. Ignore it and it

will bite you. Bend it and it will warp you.

Conceal it and it will be revealed. Rely on

it and it will comfort you.


All things people hold dear rely on truth&

jobs, money, love, marriage, friendships.

Lose the truth and you risk everything.

(Richard Churchill, Spring, TX)

H. G. Rudd





Truth Matters