An Ingredient For Worship
Text Box: An Ingredient
For Worship
Text Box: Joe Gregory
Associate Pastor
Worship Arts
Vincennes, Indiana

         Worship must be an on going experience in the life of a Christian. Giving praise and honor to the Lord is our privilege and our highest calling. Hymns, worship choruses, prayer, giving, acts of service and preaching are the components we think of when worship comes to mind. When these components are mingled together, we may believe true worship has occurred. However, God desires more from us. While these elements are helpful and important in worship, from God’s perspective one particular component is needed above these—truth.


         Truth is fundamental in our approach to God because God is truth revealed. A “true worshiper will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshiper the Father seeks” (John 4:23). God does not measure us by social standing, talent or ability. He desires people to live in an encompassing truth as they worship Him.


Truth Within


         Encompassing truth reveals who we are inwardly. Hypocrisy and falsehood dishonor God in worship; therefore, we should live openly and honestly before God because He desires truth in our inner parts (Psalm 51:6). In worship we must be real. Our lives must live up to what we have already attained (Philippians 3:16).


         Holding on to any known sin thinking we’re hiding it from God, will keep us from experiencing true worship no matter what the outward expression is. Our lives must be free of known offences to God while living in a spirit of humility. If we have spoken ill to our spouse, harbor a bad attitude towards someone or grown luke-warm, true worship will be hindered and our ability to lead others in worship will be greatly diminished.


         Sadly, many of us conceal deception in our hearts so long that we fail to realize genuine worship is not occurring. We become complacent by focusing more on other “components”. By becoming vocal about the style of the music, the length of the sermon or even where we sit in the sanctuary, we either miss or ignore the whisperings of the Holy Spirit as He attempts to speak to our hearts. We become like the Pharisees who believed they were practicing exemplary worship. Of them Jesus spoke otherwise: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:8-9).


         Let us remember to put on the belt of truth, living our lives in agreement with God and His Word (Ephesians 6:14). It is truth that will set us free to worship God as we ought (John 8:32). It is possible that much of what passes as Christian worship in many of our congregations is unacceptable to God: Not because it’s new or different, but because God’s people have moved from living in truth in the inner part of their souls. Worship without the ingredient of truth is like a cake without the ingredient of flour.


Truth in Methods


         Out of truth within comes the second aspect we need: worship must be based on the truth of scripture. Our ministry methods must give the glory to God alone—not to anyone else.


         As spiritual leaders, we must live lives in total truth before God and lead lay people to do likewise. Our churches must be authentic through and through. We need the Holy Spirit’s power to work fully in our board meetings, Sunday school classes and worship services granting us a willing spirit to fully yield to the Spirit’s promptings. It is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth (John 16:13). Our worship of God must be according to the truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. True worship will include a quest for truth led by the Spirit’s power which enables us to live lives of holiness where the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart are pleasing to God (Psalm 19:14).


           Joe has been serving as a worship pastor for the past 28 years. He currently serves as the Minister of Worship Arts at the First Church of God in Vincennes, Indiana, where he and his wife, Tracy, live along with their three children: Jonas, Molly and Gavin.





Truth Matters