Citizens of Heaven


Text:  Philippians 3:15-21


Introduction:  Paul cautions us to avoid the desire to replace the righteousness of Christ with our own human righteousness (3:1-6).  He urges us to keep looking forward in our faith (3:7-14).   We are to imitate real Christian examples (3:15-47).  And we are especially to avoid those who are counterfeit (3:18-21).


            I.  Avail Yourselves of Mature Christians  (3:15-17


                      A.  Think Maturely


                                 1. This is Paul’s second of three admonitions to use our minds for the Glory of God (2:5,4:8).


                                 2. What we think really matters!


                                 3. Paul states that all who are mature will have the same view of things. 


                                 4. Yet, not all will agree, until we let God make it clear.


                                 a. Verse 16 states that our responsibility is to live up to our maturity.


                                 b. Verse 15 tells us to let God deal with others at their level of maturity.


                                 c. In other words, live and teach at the highest level of Spiritual Maturity that we can, and let God take that to lead others less mature to a higher level of maturity. 


                                 d. Note:  At the same time God may be using others of Greater Maturity to lead us to a higher level.


                      5. Illustration:  “Christians should never be satisfied with yesterday’s grace” (Anonymous).


            B.  Live up to Your Full Potential (3:16)


                      1.  This is not the “power of positive thinking”; it  is the power of positive living.


                      2.  This verse distinctly makes it clear that there is no excuse for not growing.


                      3.  Every Christian is responsible for growth.


                      4. Illustration: Christ taught this as well in the parable of the talents Matthew 7:15-27. Look at the principles in this parable: 


                                 a. We are not all given the same talents (spiritual resources), but we are all expected to use what we have to the fullest. 


                                 b. Proper stewardship requires investment.  Investment of our total life also includes our finances.


                                 c. Wise stewardship creates growth and maturity. 


           C. Follow the Example of Mature Believers


                      1. “Follow me as I follow Christ “ (1 Cor. 11:1).


                      2.  Paul always urges us to imitate those who live godly lives (4:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-8)


                      3.  In other words, Paul counsels us to begin living as “Citizens of Heaven.”


II. Avoid “Enemies of  the Cross of Christ”


           A.  Who These People Are (v. 18)


1.  Professing Christians whose way of life is contrary to the Christian principles

     of holiness.


2. “Enemies of the Cross” is a term which sums up their overall character (3:19).


                                 a. “Their destiny is destruction.”


                                 b. “Their god is their stomach.”


                                 c. “Their glory is in their shame.”


                                 d. “Their mind is on earthly things.”


           B.  How Do We Avoid the “Enemies of the Cross”?


                      1. Keep focused on our destiny (3:20).


                      2.  The best way we can escape the snares of the devil is to continually remember our “Heavenly Citizenship.”


C. We Eagerly Await a Savior from Our “Heavenly Home” (v. 20)


                      1. The Lord Jesus Christ 


                      2. When He comes He will transform us into Heavenly creatures so we can move into our Heavenly Home.


Conclusion: This World Is Not My Home!


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Text Box: Charlie Heater
Pastor, Burkeville First Church of God
Burkeville, TX

A Place Prepared

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

John 14:1-3

Text Box: Citizens 